And Hell is just a sauna. If you know what movie those lines are from I am totally dating myself! Though my next comment is to say that every time we have an event I ALWAYS wake up the morning of with "Tonight" from West Side Story stuck in my head. The version from the end, when the whole cast gets into it. SO! TONIGHT... Toooniiiight from 6-8 at 2 Union Street we are going to be having a wee soirée along with our neighbor Jessica Hicks downstairs. Come along and help us celebrate our new flashy website and a big, no huge, I have to go shopping now sale. Also, perfect opportunity to get locally made Valentine gifts from DriftAway Soaps, True East, Small Town Girl, Nell Van Vorst, Seaweaver, and more! Can't make it to the party?? Use discount code openforbusiness to get 10% off anything on the website today through the 15th! Extra points if you can identify all the movie references in this post and name all the movie they are from.
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